Apply FSSAI Food License online

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FSSAI Registration – An Overview

FSSAI registration is mandatory for anyone involved in the food business. Be it food processing, food manufacturing, packaging, distributing, or selling, you need to get an FSSAI registration to run your business.

The registration/licence is issued by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), an institution that monitors food businesses under the guidelines and regulations listed in the FSSAI Act 2006.


Obtaining an FSSAI license can provide the food business with the following benefits:

  • Legal benefit;
  • Ensure food safety;
  • Build goodwill;
  • Create consumer awareness;
  • It helps regulate, manufacture, store, distribute, and sell imported food;
  • It becomes easy to obtain funds from investors when an entrepreneur has an FSSAI license;
  • FSSAI logos on food products ensure the quality of the products to the customers.

The registration number displayed on the food premises indicates that the premises comply with hygiene and quality standards.


Who Is Required to Apply for FSSAI License?

From hawkers, home vendors to giant food chains everyone operating in the food industry needs to register with FSSAI. Irrespective of whether you are operating online or offline, or whether you are a local player or into the import or export of food products, you need to register with FSSAI. Based on their size and the places they operate, they have to get one of the 3 types of registration/licence that are discussed below.

If your business falls in any one of the below-listed categories, then a food licence is mandatory for you:

  • Procurement
  • Manufacture
  • Distribution
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Storage
  • Selling

In other words, an individual or a company that operates with food substances from farm to plate must obtain the FSSAI food licence.


Types of FSSAI Food License in India

According to the FSSAI Act, 2006 all food businesses are required to be registered/licenced under the following 3 categories:


1. Food License Registration Online - Basic

It is the primary kind of registration issued for businesses that are small in turnover – up to ₹12 lakhs approximately per annum

Catering businesses irrespective of their turnover have to apply for a state licence and not a basic FSSAI registration.


2. FSSAI State Licence

Companies that have a profit greater than ₹12 lakhs require a state licence.


3. FSSAI Central Licence

The central registration is for bigger businesses that have a turnover of over ₹20 crores per annum.

Companies that supply food to government offices/departments and businesses involved in food import/export, an online platform, operating franchises, or chains of hotels/restaurants have to get a central licence as well.


Documents Required for FSSAI Registration

Based on different types of registration and the food business that you are running, you have to submit different documents for registration.


FSSAI Licence Registration

  • Authorized person’s passport-sizes photograph [self-attested]
  • Authorized person’s Aadhar card front and back [self-attested]
  • Address proof of the business premises [rental agreement/previous month’s electricity bill/NOC from landlord]
  • Declaration signed by the authorized person


State & Central Licence

  • Passport-sized photograph of the directors/partners/proprietor
  • Identity proof of directors/partners/proprietor [Aadhar and PAN]
  • Address proof of the business premises [rental agreement/previous month’s electricity bill/NOC from landlord]
  • Photograph of the premises [8-9 photos]
  • Blueprint of the premises
  • List of food products on the company letterhead [with seal and signature]
  • List of machines (if any) on the company’s letterhead [with seal and signature].


Manufacturing Units

Including the above-mentioned documents, manufacturing units have to submit the following documents as well:

  • The blueprint of warehouse, plant, etc.
  • A list of all machinery
  • Report of a water test
  • List of all food categories


The Glossary


Food Safety and Standard Authority of India.


Food Business Operators - people who are running a food-related business.

FSSAI Act, 2006

Food Safety and Standard Authority of India Act, 2006.

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