DIN number or Directors Identification Number is a unique identification number provided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to an individual who intends to be a director of a company in India. DIN number or Directors Identification Number of a director is a unique 8-digit number which allows a person to legally act as a Director of a company. The DIN number is granted only one time to a person and an individual acting as the Director of multiple companies does not require to obtain multiple DINs to act as a director in those companies.
Pricing Starts With ₹999/-
What is DIN?
DIN number or Directors Identification Number is a unique identification number provided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to an individual who intends to be a director of a company in India.
DIN number or Directors Identification Number of a director is a unique 8-digit number which allows a person to legally act as a Director of a company. The DIN number is granted only one time to a person and an individual acting as the Director of multiple companies does not require to obtain multiple DINs to act as a director in those companies.
One Passport Size photos
Self attested copy of Aadhar card
Self-attested copy of PAN
Self attested copy of Passport, in case of foreign nationals
Self-attested copy of address proof
BarristerBabu.co.in is an eminent business platform and a progressive concept, which helps end-to-end incorporation, compliance, advisory and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. Getting DIN (Director Identification Number) is easy, seamless, cheaper and quickest with Barristerbabu.co.in. Apart from DIN application, Barristerbabu.co.in also helps entrepreneurs with Digital signature, LLP registration, One Person Company Registration, Partnership Registration, HUF and Proprietorship Firm Registration easily.