Quickly Prepare Business Plan

Quickly prepare your Business Plan and grow your business with bank loans or investments. Services start at INR 19999/-.

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Business Plan Preparation

All you need to know

A business plan is a written document that describes in detail how a business, usually but not necessarily, a new one, is going to achieve its goals. Business Plan Preparation describes a new business, its products or services, how it will earn money, leadership and staffing, financing, operations model, and other details that are essential to both operation and success. While a business plan is required by anyone seeking funding, whether, from financial institutions or investors, it is recommended for all start-ups because it serves as the business roadmap.

The business plan writing process can also help an entrepreneur uncover concept weaknesses, market misperceptions, or other specifics that might cause a shift in how the business is positioned or built. It contains the background of founders, business model, industry analysis and placement, and estimates of financial projections over a period of certain years. All venture capitalists, bankers, investors and PE funds will ask for a business plan invariably.

Finance experts team at Barrister Babu will undertake preparation of your detailed Business Plan considering all RBI/Banking norms and respective Industry Standards. This will ensure that your business gets required funding at the right time and without much hassles.


Points to make your decision easy

Executive Summary

An executive summary or Elevator Pitch can be one –two page long depending on your business dynamics. It contains in nut-shell, the clear purpose and bird’s eye view of the business.


Business Description

This is rather a detailed description of the business as a whole. This will contain existing and proposed product/service lines of the business along with geographical spread.


Mission Statement

Essentially, it is the reason why the business exists or wishes to run. Your mission statement doesn’t have to be clever or catchy-just accurate. We will help you exactly with this.


 Industry Analysis

An industry analysis includes the number of competitors, availability of substitute goods, target markets and demographic groups or various other pieces of essential business information.


 Financial Projections

This is the essence of the business plan and backbone too. Financial projections are always based on certain assumptions and those have to be realistic. Any successful business plan is the one built on realistic and achievable assumptions. We do exactly that!

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